
Group by:


Library     : nimcx.nim

Module      : cxfont.nim

Status      : stable

License     : MIT opensource

Latest      : 2021-07-14

Compiler    : latest stable or devel branch

OS          : Linux

Description : Experimental font building
              provides most font printing functions for the library
              experimental font, slim numbers , swampfont , dotmatrix
              slimfont and  bracketmatrix font

Usage : import nimcx/cxfont

Test  : nim c -d:release -r cxfont

Notes : experimental! your results may depend on terminal in use.
        adjust terminal width and char size for desired effect


proc bracketMatrixTyper(s: string; xpos: int = 1; color: string = randcol()) {.
    ...raises: [IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect],
    forbids: [].}

prints the entered string in bracketmatrix font

no checking as to terminalwidth is done so adjust terminal width and char sizes accordingly

will be positioned at top right of last character

proc createCxFont(name: string): seq[seq[string]] {....raises: [], tags: [],
    forbids: [].}
proc cx10(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol()) {.
    ...raises: [IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect], forbids: [].}
proc dotMatrixFontTest() {....raises: [IOError, ValueError],
                           tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect], forbids: [].}


The current way to use fonts swamp

is to run similar as below .

for dotmatrix use dotMatrixTyper

for bracketmatrix use bracketMatrixTyper

import nimcx
showCxFont("dotmatrix")   # or "bracketmatrix"

note the numbers next to the required characters

and then

let myfont = createCxFont("dotmatrix")
# lets print <NIM>123
printCxFontText(@[12,30,25,29,14,1,2,3],xpos = 2,myfont)

Alternatively compile cxmatrixfontE1.nim which calls this function

proc dotMatrixTyper(s: string; xpos: int = 1; color: string = randcol()) {.
    ...raises: [IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect],
    forbids: [].}

prints the entered string in dotmatrix font

no checking as to terminalwidth is done so adjust terminal width and char sizes accordingly

will be positioned at top right of last character

# example for dotMatrixTyper and bracketMatrixTyper
import nimcx
dotMatrixTyper("NIMCX - ")
proc fprint[T](astring: T; fgr: string = getFg(fgDefault); xpos: int = 0;
               fitLine: bool = false; centered: bool = false;
               styled: set[Style] = {}; substr: string = "")

:: prev. print2

the old print routine with backgroundcolor set to fgDefault only ,

required by printfont ,fprintln , printBiCol2 and printLnBiCol2

basically similar to terminal.nim styledWriteLine with more functionality

fgr foreground colors can be set

xpos allows positioning on x-axis

fitLine = true will try to write the text into the current line irrespective of xpos

centered = true will try to center and disregard xpos

styled allows style parameters to be set

available styles :

styleBright = 1, # bright text

styleDim, # dim text

styleUnknown, # unknown

styleUnderscore = 4, # underscored text

styleBlink, # blinking/bold text

styleReverse = 7, # reverses currentforground and backgroundcolor

styleHidden # hidden text

styleItalic # italic

styleStrikethrough # strikethrough

for extended colorset background colors use styleReverse

or use 2 or more print statements for the desired effect


# To achieve colored text with styleReverse try:
print2("The end never comes on time ! ",pastelBlue,styled = {styleReverse})
proc fprintln[T](astring: T; fgr: string = termwhite; xpos: int = 0;
                 fitLine: bool = false; centered: bool = false;
                 styled: set[Style] = {}; substr: string = "")

:: fprintln

foregroundcolor best on black backgroundcolor position fitLine centered styled


fprintln("Yes ,  we made it.",green)
# or use it as a replacement of echo
fprintln(red & "What's up ? " & green & "Grub's up ! ")
fprintln("No need to reset the original color")
fprintln("Nim does it again",peru,centered = true ,styled = {styleDim,styleUnderscore},substr = "i")
# To achieve colored text with styleReverse try:
    fprintln("The end never comes on time ! ",randcol(),styled = {styleReverse})
    print cleareol
proc printCxFontLetter(n: int; xpos: int; cxfont: seq[seq[string]];
                       color: string; vertstepping: int) {.
    ...raises: [IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect],
    forbids: [].}
proc printCxFontText(textseq: seq[int]; xpos: int = 2; cxfont: seq[seq[string]];
                     color: string = randcol(); vertstepping: int = 9;
                     kerning: int = 19) {....raises: [IOError, ValueError],
    tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect], forbids: [].}


printtext in fonts dotmatrix,bracketmatrix,sideways,swamp

swamp needs vertstepping = 7 and kerning >= 15

proc printFont(s: string; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol();
               xpos: int = -10) {....raises: [IOError, ValueError],
                                  tags: [WriteIOEffect], forbids: [].}


display experimental cxfont

search cxTest for example proc printFontTest

proc printFontFancy(s: string; coltop1 = rndcol(); xpos: int = -10) {.
    ...raises: [IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect], forbids: [].}


display experimental cxfont with every element in rand color changing of coltop color possible

proc printMadeWithNim(npos: int = terminalWidth() div 2 - 60) {.
    ...raises: [IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect], forbids: [].}


experiments in block font building , default is center in terminal

proc printNim(npos: int = terminalWidth() div 2 - 60) {.
    ...raises: [IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect], forbids: [].}
proc printNimCx(npos: int = terminalWidth() div 2 - 30) {.
    ...raises: [IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect], forbids: [].}


experiments in block font building , default is center in terminal

proc printSlim(ss: string = ""; frg: string = termwhite; xpos: int = 0;
               align: string = "left") {....raises: [IOError, ValueError],
    tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect], forbids: [].}


prints available slim numbers and slim chars

right alignment : the string will be written left of xpos position left alignment : the string will be written right of xpos position

make sure enough space is available left or right of xpos

printSlim($"82233.32",salmon,xpos = 25,align = "right")
printSlim($"33.87",salmon,xpos = 25,align = "right")
printSlim($"82233.32",peru,xpos = 25)
printSlim($"33.87",peru,xpos = 25)
proc printSlimNumber(anumber: string; fgr: string = yellowgreen;
                     bgr: string = getBg(bgDefault); xpos: int = 1) {.
    ...raises: [IOError, ValueError], tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect],
    forbids: [].}

will shortly be deprecated use: printSlim

prints an string in big slim font

available chars 123456780,.:

usufull for big counter etc , a clock can also be build easily but running in a tight while loop just uses up cpu cycles needlessly.

for x in 990.. 1005:

import times

for x in rxCol:
proc showCxFont(name: string) {....raises: [IOError, ValueError],
                                tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect],
                                forbids: [].}
proc slimL(astring: string; col: string = truetomato; xpos: int = 5;
           adjuster: int = 0) {....raises: [IOError, ValueError],
                                tags: [WriteIOEffect, ReadEnvEffect],
                                forbids: [].}


prints slimfont strings


template cx1(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cx2(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cx3(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cx4(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cx5(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cx6(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cx7(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cx8(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cx9(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxa(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxb(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxc(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxd(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxe(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxf(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxg(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxgrid(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol; coltop: string = rndcol)
template cxh(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxhyphen(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol();
                  coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxi(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxj(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxk(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxl(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxm(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxn(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxo(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxp(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxpoint(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol();
                 coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxq(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxr(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxs(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxt(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxu(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxv(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxw(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxx(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxy(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxz(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())
template cxZero(npos: int = 0; col: string = rndCol(); coltop: string = rndCol())